Sunday, May 10, 2009

three reasons why today means everything to me...

blessing #1

blessing #2

blessing #3

dear God...thank you for enriching my life with these amazing gifts. help me to remember every day that my role in the lives of my children is unmatched by any other woman in this world...because You chose me to be their mommy. help me to be patient, loving, and kind - but most of all, help me to be more like You so that these three blessings would grow to have the heart i pray for. i don't want to take one moment for granted because i know that all too will be just a memory. the footprints will get bigger, their needs will become fewer, and their "little" won't feel so little anymore. thank you for trusting me with what i know will be the most precious gifts i will ever be given. amen.

1 comment:

The Davidson Den said...

Girl #1
Girl #2
Girl #3 ????


Hope your Mother's Day was wonderful---just like you.