Tuesday, December 13, 2011

our little colorful rainbow...

every year, the k4 classes at st. paul's attend a harvest festival. it is absolutely the most precious thing in the world! they each come up with their indian name...maddie's this year was "colorful rainbow"...and then they decorate t-shirts to wear on the special day! we got to experience many of the things that the indians did...it was bitter cold on this day...but we all had so much fun!

they got to "pop corn" over an open fire...

hammer copper...
make butter...
look adorable...oh wait...:)
color teepees...
& paint teepees...
they also go to make candles...but i didn't get a good picture of that!
maddie & james

maddie & her friend reeves (aka "weeves)
maddie & her bestie...mary linnea (aka "mary banaella)
maddie & her biggest fan!

thank you, maddie, for such a fun, fun day! i'll hang with "colorful rainbow" any day of the year!

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