it's a word that is currently being used in the past tense right now when referenced in my life.
back in the olden when i only had one precious daughter...and i thought my life was hectic then (humph!)...i used to have a plethora of time to be creative. i made ella's party invitations, her first and second birthday cakes, her party favors, and had lots of fun scrap booking! my good gal pal - you know who you are - and i used to even attend some midnight crop nights...lots of junk food and creative juices flowing. i don't know about her...but these days, i mainly just have junk food flowing!!!!!
she turned me on to these adorable little happies called "paper bag scrap books"!!!! they are scrumptious and allow anyone's inner artist to emerge...because you cannot mess them up! they are actually made with paper lunch sacks...isn't that genius!?! anyway, i wrote a little poem for ella and made it into a book for her. so far, maddie and ava are getting a blog...that counts, right?!?!
due to the fact that my ella is fixing to celebrate her 6th birthday (the mere thought literally brings tears to my eyes...and as i held her in church today...i just reflected on what a special little person she is and always has been...)
oh more on that later...
i digress...
i thought i would just share the book. maybe when i have an empty nest...i'll find the time to make the other two sweeties a "paper bag book"...but until then, i just wanted to remember what my oldest baby looked like when she made her debut into the world...
my how time flies when you're completely in love.
"you are my heart"...
"one day God said from up above...i think you may have some extra love."
"a baby girl He patiently created...while the new little mommy patiently waited."
"with tears in her eyes and right from the start...this mommy sure felt..."
"you are my are my heart."
"the baby girl's words can convey..."
"or how her eyes could bring light to the darkest of days."
"each moment with her was blessed and amazing...and most days, the mommy spent saying..."
"with tears in her eyes and right from the start..."
"you are my are my heart!"